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CFA® Study Package Components

SchweserNotes™ Volumes 1–5 (online, printed and ebook)

Absorbing the CFA® Program curriculum in its entirety is easily the most challenging part of preparing for the exam. SchweserNotes™ helps you retain critical information by breaking the content into exam-focused study notes, complete with examples and practice quizzes covering every Learning Outcome Statement.

More than just textbooks.
SchweserNotes™ have continuously evolved to meet your study needs:

  • Integrated into our online learning platform, so you can quickly reference a concept while reviewing practice questions
  • Delivered in bite-sized modules, making it easier to study in shorter segments
  • Includes online module and topic quizzes designed to help you retain and practice every concept
  • Available in print, online, and eBook formats — giving you multiple ways to take in the content
  • If you want to pass the CFA exam, make sure your study plan includes SchweserNotes™.