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Higher Education

Subject results on student records and transcripts will be recorded as grades and reported as follows:

MarkGrade% rangeStandards
85 – 100High Distinction85% – 100%The student is above the specified learning requirements for a Distinction grade and demonstrates exceptional research skills and an exceptional ability to synthesise, evaluate and integrate knowledge and demonstrates originality.
75 – 84Distinction75% – 84%The student is above the specified learning requirements for a Credit grade and demonstrates distinctive research skills and a distinctive ability to synthesise, evaluate and integrate knowledge and demonstrates originality.
65 – 74Credit65% – 74%The student is above the specified learning requirements for a Pass grade, has very good research skills, and has the ability to analyse and apply skills and concepts. The student has some ability to synthesise, evaluate and integrate knowledge and demonstrates originality.
50 – 64Pass50% – 64%Learning requirements have been met at a basic, satisfactory or competent level. The student work is of sufficient quality to enable them to progress further in their studies.
0 – 49F0% – 49%Learning requirements specified in the Subject Outline have not been met. This result also applies where a student is awarded a fail grade in a subject as a result of misconduct.
Absent FailAFIndicates that a student did not submit or sit any assessment events for a subject and the student did not formally withdraw from or defer the subject.
DeferredDA temporary result indicating that a student has been prevented from completing an assessment through illness or exceptional circumstances and a formal application for special consideration has been approved. Deferred subjects should be attempted within 12 months. Failure to finalise a deferred grade within 12 months may lead to a grade of Absent Fail being awarded for the subject.
Withdrawn no penaltyWNPIndicates that a student has been withdrawn from the subject with no academic penalty imposed.
Withdrawn failWFIndicates that a student has formally notified Kaplan of their withdrawal from a subject after the census date* and prior to the final day of teaching.
Advanced StandingASIndicates that a student has achieved the assessment requirements for the subject through previous study or through mutual recognition.
ExemptEIndicates that a student has achieved the assessment requirements for the subject through previous study or through mutual recognition. **

*Census dates may vary. Please check the relevant Kaplan website for more details or contact Kaplan Professional

** An Exempt result will only be published on transcripts and records for subjects completed prior to September 2019

Vocational education

A unit of competency is the smallest component in which competency can be assessed and determined.

Depending on how a course is structured, a subject may contain one or more units of competency. A whole qualification is made up of many units, with the exact number varying depending on the particular qualification. There will usually be multiple assessments for one or more units of competency. For example, a student may have three assessments to complete to be awarded a unit of competency.

Assessment results are recorded as shown below.

DemonstratedA ‘Demonstrated’ result indicates that an associated assessment required for the unit
of competency has been met.
Not Yet DemonstratedA ‘Not Yet Demonstrated’ result indicates that the student needs to make another
attempt for the particular assessment to meet the required performance.

A unit of competency is recorded and reported when the student has a ‘Demonstrated’ result for each of the assessments required to achieve the unit.

CompetentA ‘Competent’ result indicates that the assessment requirements for the unit of competency have been met
Not Yet CompetentA ‘Not Yet Competent’ result indicates that the assessment requirements for the unit of competency have not yet been met

Other competency result codes include:

RPLThis code indicates that a student has achieved the assessment requirements for the unit of competency through a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process, formally known as an exemption. Please refer to the Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy for further information, available on the Kaplan Professional website
CTThis code indicates that a student has achieved the assessment requirements for the unit of competency through a credit transfer (CT) process, formerly known as mutual recognition. Please refer to the Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy for further information, available on the Kaplan Professional website