Academic Board
The Kaplan Higher Education Academic Board governs and is responsible for all academic matters at Kaplan Higher Education. The Academic Board’s key mandate is to ensure that Kaplan Higher Education’s courses, outcomes, student experiences and success are of the highest quality.
The Kaplan Higher Education Academic Quality and Governance Framework outlines the terms of reference of the Academic Board and its subcommittees.
View the structure here.
Academic Leadership
Our experienced faculty team comprises of leading academic experts and industry professionals who shape the direction, and practical and relevant learning outcomes, of all of Kaplan Professional’s courses.
Corporate Board
The Kaplan Higher Education (KHE) Corporate Board provides strategic leadership and is the governing authority of KHE. The primary objective of the board is to oversee the affairs of KHE with good governance. Through relevant processes the Board ensures that the appropriate structures, policies, processes and planning are in place for KHE to effectively manage its activities and achieve its goals.
The corporate board adopts the “guiding principles of good governance” published by the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Adoption of these principles helps to ensure that the board manages the affairs of KHE with proper oversight and accountability.
The corporate board is comprised of members with the relevant skills, expertise, experience and background to provide good governance for Kaplan Higher Education.
Senior Leadership
Our senior leadership team is responsible for the strategic vision of Kaplan Professional, ensuring client and student-focused outcomes.