In an ever-changing and fast-paced world, we’re now able to connect from almost anywhere. This has had an enormous influence on how we communicate and operate, both personally and professionally. Improved technology means we now have the flexibility to work from anywhere. Working from home has now become the norm for many of us, so it’s essential to make your health and wellbeing a priority, particularly if you’re still trying to come to terms with your new situation.
Here are ten healthy habits you can implement while working from home.
- Maintain a routine
It’s important to maintain a routine when working from home, especially if it’s for an extended time. It’s beneficial to keep consistency to your day, such as waking up at your usual time, having breakfast, taking your scheduled lunch break, and finishing on time. Organisation and structure is significant to your wellbeing. You may even find the opportunity to add new activities to your day you don’t usually get the chance to do. Don’t forget about the importance of quality sleep. Aim to have seven to nine hours of sleep per night because it plays an important role in repairing your body and mind.
- Eat a balanced diet
Let’s be honest, when you’re in the comfort of your own home, it’s easy to succumb to cravings and go straight to the snack cupboard. Maintaining a balanced diet is important, rather than falling into bad habits. As you’re no longer commuting to work, use the extra time in the morning to make a healthy and filling breakfast to fuel you throughout the day. You should also dedicate time to meal prepping throughout the week. Having a healthy lunch and snacks on hand will help curb those cravings throughout the day.
- Get ready for the day
While most of us are still adjusting to our new work situation, it’s important to keep as much normality as possible. Little things can make the world of difference to your headspace, such as taking time in the morning to get ready for work like you usually would. If you feel better putting on makeup, wearing a suit you’d normally wear to work, or simply wearing active wear, do it. Making the effort to get dressed, even into comfy clothes, will help you feel a bit more ‘you’ and ready to conquer the day.
- Have a dedicated work space
A dedicated work space will help you get into work mode. If possible, work from a quiet room on your own to minimise distractions, especially if you’ll be working from home for a while with a full household. Aim to set up a space with plenty of natural light, so it’s pleasant to be in. This will make the world of difference, instead of sitting in a dull environment. It’s also beneficial to have a proper work station set up with a computer monitor, desk, office chair and other essential items you need for your role.
- Take breaks
Regular breaks are important for your wellbeing, while helping you to avoid burn out. Although you’re working from home and adjusting to a new routine, breaks are just as important as what they’d be in a normal office environment.
Here are some ways for you to take regular breaks:
- Dedicate a specific time to have lunch every day
- Take a five-minute rest once an hour to stretch and take a breather
- Walk to make a cup of tea or coffee, or check the mail
- Set tasks for each day
Working from home can put your organisation skills to the test. You may find new tasks pop up out of the blue that take priority, which can throw you off your normal schedule. Write down a list of tasks each morning you need to work on to prioritise your workload. This will help you keep track of what needs to be done, helping you to avoid feeling overwhelmed when new projects come your way.
- Be active and practice mindfulness
Keeping active and exercising is important for your physical and mental health, even if it’s only a few times a week. Use the extra time you’re saving from your commute to keep active. This can be as simple as going for a walk to get your daily 10,000 steps or doing bodyweight exercises in your loungeroom. You don’t necessarily need to dedicate hours to strenuous training every day to feel the benefits of exercise.
Practicing mindfulness is also recommended, providing you the opportunity to release unknown or unwanted tension. Yoga and meditation are both beneficial for mindfulness, as well as relaxing the body. Try taking a few minutes from your day here and there to zone out and quieten your mind.
- Stay connected
Working from home isn’t as social as being in the office, so it’s important to stay connected with your colleagues. Schedule catch-ups with your colleagues to get ‘face-to-face’ interaction daily. Use this time to speak about life in general, not just work. If you’ll be working remotely for a while, create group chats with your colleagues purely for social purposes. When it comes to family and friends, although you don’t have the option to physically meet with people, technology has provided many fun ways to keep in touch, such video calling, messaging apps, and games – you can even have a virtual dinner party!
- Focus on positive news
We’re often overwhelmed with news of a negative nature. Cut back and only view coverage a few times a day instead of regularly. A helpful tip is to try to focus on positive and heart-warming stories to lift your mood.
- Reward yourself
Make sure you still celebrate wins and reward yourself while you’re away from the office. Working from home can be often be challenging due to communication barriers and workload pressure. Continue to be proud of your work ethic and your contribution during these times. Recognising your efforts will motivate you in the long run.
There are many positive and healthy habits to implement while working from home. What are your healthy habits and ideas? Share them below to help make a difference to someone else!