
Preparing for your exam by reading SchweserNotes™, practicing the concepts with integrated quizzes from the SchweserPro™ QBank, and learning from CFA Program instructors in your OnDemand Masterclasses. Once you’ve learned the material, test your performance with our Mock Exams to measure your readiness for the actual CFA exam.

Core study tools
Core study tools

to help you learn the material, practice exam-like questions, and assess how you perform.

Instruction Tools and OnDemand Masterclasses
Instruction Tools and OnDemand Masterclasses

that leverage expert instructors to teach the CFA Program curriculum through engaging lectures and exam-based applications.

Review products, including OnDemand workshops
Review products, including OnDemand workshops

that reinforce knowledge, allow you to practice with experts, and help you work on exam strategy.

Community forum
Community forum

to get accurate answers and engage in meaningful discussions with experts and other CFA candidates.

What's included

Study Notes


This 5-volume set of clear, concise CFA study notes provides a more focused and efficient exam prep experience. Covering every exam topic in the CFA curriculum, SchweserNotes includes realistic examples and practice quizzes to help you retain vital information.


CFA Institute Question Review Videos

10+ hours of in-depth CFA videos walk you through the end-of-reading questions from the CFA Institute Program curriculum. You’ll get expert advice and strategies from CFA instructors as they guide you through the questions.

Masterclass (OnDemand)

After you’ve finished your learning assignments for a specific topic of the curriculum, your Masterclass ensures you have a strong grasp on the topic. Led by Schweser’s expert instructors, you get 45+ hours of online instruction that reinforces your studies and ensures you’re ready to move on to the next topic. This package includes a two-volume set of Masterclass Workbooks containing content, examples, and practice equations to guide you through the lectures and serve as a reference during review.



Activity Feed

Take the guesswork out of your study plan with strategically placed weekly tasks that adjust to your customised study calendar.

CFA Mock Exams

Includes 6 mock exams. These full-length mock exams simulate the interface, format, and difficulty of the actual CFA exam.

Checkpoint Exams

You will be prompted to take three Checkpoint Exams as you work your way through the Study Program. These checkpoint questions mimic the difficulty and format of the actual CFA exam.

Kaplan Schweser Community

Access our community forum to engage with our experts and other CFA candidates, post questions, find answers, and engage in meaningful discussions throughout your studies.

SchweserPro™ QBank

The SchweserPro™ QBank prepares you for the CFA exam with thousands of exam-like questions and custom quizzes, tutorial videos with detailed answer explanations, and performance metrics to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses.

Module Videos

Reference these 40+ hours of recorded videos as you are reading through your SchweserNotes™ books to reinforce your understanding of the material.

Performance Tracker

Gauge your mastery of each exam topic by comparing your scores with fellow CFA® candidates.

Prerequisite Content

Portions of the Quantitative Methods, Economics, and Financial Statement Analysis exam topics are designated as prerequisite knowledge for the CFA Level I curriculum. Schweser summarised this prerequisite content for you and delivers it via our SchweserNotes™ and SchweserPro™ QBank study tools (online format only).


Prepare for the CFA exam on the go! This compact study tool summarises key formulas, definitions and concepts.


Schweser Secret Sauce®

Take this compact ebook with you wherever you go, for a concise review of the CFA Program curriculum. Secret Sauce® provides insights and exam tips on how to effectively prepare and apply your knowledge on exam day.

CFA Review Workshop (OnDemand)

Watch our Review Workshop sessions on your schedule with 55+ hours of expert instruction and review that are all available for OnDemand viewing. You receive thorough review of key topics, practice questions and problem-solving techniques, and exam tips and strategies.


Pass guarantee

Schweser's PassProtection™

Nothing in life is guaranteed. That’s why we offer PassProtection™. We’re so confident that with your dedication and our study materials, you’ll have no problem passing the CFA Program exam. But, should you need a second chance, we’ll pay for your online exam prep package for your next exam sitting.

Learn more about PassProtection™.

Shipping Option

Print (Delivery) Option

The Premium and Ultimate Packages allow for various items to be shipped to you physically.


Pricing changes for Premium Package

PLEASE NOTE: There are now two versions of the Premium Package available for purchase: Online Only and Online + Print.

Each Level will have varied pricing listed.

Year/LevelOnline Only PriceOnline + Print Price
2025 Level I$1,449$1,659
2025 Level II$1,549$1,709
2025 Level III$1,599$1,759
2024 Level I, II, III$1,449$1,609

Frequently asked questions

Do products expire?

Access to online products varies by exam window. Please see our FAQs for more information regarding access to online materials and expiry dates.

What are my eBook options?

Ebook versions are available for SchweserNotes™, Secret Sauce®, and QuickSheet. Learn more about our ebooks, accessed through VitalSource®, on our FAQs page.

When will get my order?

Our product release dates are dependent on Product Availability. For physical products, see information about shipping on our FAQs page.