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1300 135 798Grievances, Complaints and Appeals
Kaplan Professional is determined to see you succeed and achieve your goals. We’re committed to providing you with an exceptional learning experience and student support services. As your committed education partner, Kaplan Professional will always endeavour to find solutions for you. However, if at any time you’re dissatisfied with any aspect of your experience, there’s a formal Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Handling Policy available to all students.
What’s a grievance, complaint and an appeal?
Grievances are problems or concerns that can be either academic or non-academic in nature, which are suitable to be addressed informally. Grievances are usually resolved easily by a member of Kaplan Professional’s Student Experience team, so it should be an individual’s first avenue of resolving an issue.
A complaint is the formal process of lodging a grievance about your studies or learning experience that could be due to an academic or non-academic matter.
An appeal is a process whereby a student disputes a determination made regarding a formal complaint made by the student.
Before you submit a complaint
In the first instance, it’s recommended you contact our Student Experience team on 1300 135 798 or, as your grievance may be able to be resolved informally by a member of our Student Experience or Student Resolutions team.
If you’re not satisfied with the resolution offered, a formal complaint may be lodged. We recommend you familiarise yourself with the Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Handling Policy and any other policies relevant to your concerns. The Student Resolutions team can be contacted at to provide information about the complaints process.
If you’re not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may appeal the outcome following the process outlined in the Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Handling Policy.
Overview of grievance and complaint process
Contact the Student Experience team and outline your concerns. Once received, Kaplan Professional will acknowledge we’ve received your grievance. If your grievance can be resolved informally, the case will be closed, and the outcome actioned as appropriate. If a satisfactory resolution isn’t achieved, please refer to Step 2.
If your grievance is unable to be resolved informally, you may lodge a formal complaint via the Student Complaint Form within 10 working days of the relevant incident occurring. Kaplan Professional will acknowledge the receipt of your formal complaint within 5 working days of receipt.
On receiving a formal complaint, an investigation will be conducted, and you’ll be notified of the outcome in writing within 10 business days. If the investigation takes longer than 10 days, you’ll will be advised accordingly. If your complaint is resolved according to your satisfaction, the formal complaint case will be closed, and the outcome actioned as appropriate. If the resolution isn’t to your satisfaction, refer to Step 3.
If a complainant elects to appeal a determination made in Step 2, a Notice of Appeal Form must be submitted within 10 business days of the determination being made. Please note you may not request an appeal until a decision has been made in relation to the formal complaint i.e. you can’t appeal an assessment outcome without first:
- Attempting to resolve your concerns as an informal grievance if appropriate.
- If your informal grievance hasn’t been resolved, lodging a formal complaint with Kaplan Professional
The Chair of the Appeals Committee or Head of Student Experience will review your application and decide whether to proceed with your appeal or to dismiss an appeal application in accordance with the Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Handling Policy.
If it’s determined that there are grounds for an appeal, the Appeals Committee will be convened no more than 10 working days after receipt of the Notice of Appeal to hear the matter. At the completion of the hearing, the Appeals Committee will make a determination and notify the student in writing within 5 working days of the hearing.
External review
If you’re dissatisfied with the outcome of your appeal, you may seek external review as described in the Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Handling Policy.