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KapLearn is your dedicated online subject room where you can access your learning materials and activities, support resources, assessments, and connect with industry experts and your fellow students. KapLearn encompasses:

All subject course notes are accessible via KapLearn under your ‘Learning’ tab and can be accessed online or downloaded to read offline anywhere, anytime.

Course notes are key to gaining knowledge. For Higher Education, course notes are supported by required readings and recommended resources.

Your study plan is a great resource to plan ahead and manage your time efficiently. It is divided into specific weeks per subject or course and outlines how many hours you should spend each week per topic, and when to commence your assessments and/or tasks.

For higher and vocational education subjects, there are orientation modules to step you through the key features and resources available in KapLearn. This enables you to easily navigate your way through your subject room to set you up for successful study.  A navigation tour is also available, which highlights key sections of KapLearn.  A pop-up window provides a detailed explanation of the information and resources contained within each tab.

Each subject has an interactive discussion forum which gives you the opportunity to stimulate conversation, debate issues and share knowledge with other students. Each forum is facilitated by a tutor who is a subject matter specialist who will guide you with your learning.


The Kaplan Professional ‘Build Your Skills’ learning hub contains nine interactive learning modules, in addition to a number of in-depth support tools supplied in the ‘Additional resources’ tab.

The aim of the nine-module suite is focused on developing and complementing current skill sets in an interactive and engaging way.

The interactive learning modules are:

  • Plan your study
  • Prepare for an exam
  • Prepare for an assessment
  • Preparing for online study
  • Taking effective study notes
  • Building an online support network
  • Request study leave from an employer
  • Access online research and planning tools
  • Get motivated and stay there

Each of the modules runs for two to five minutes in length, dependent on skill level and investment in the learning.

Higher education subjects require approximately 120 hours of student effort (10 hours per week). This includes time spent reading and reviewing subject materials, participating in e-learning activities, and assessment preparation and review.

Recommended duration and workload varies for vocational education courses; you will find the customised amount of training and assessment featured on each course page.

Some subjects may include live webinar sessions. The webinars allow you to interact with and ask an industry practitioner questions in real time. Attendance at the webinars is strongly recommended to complement your learning materials. Your practitioner will cover the topic notes, assessment requirements, and answer questions during the webinar.

Please note: The practitioner will not supply specific answers to assessment questions. A recording of the webinar is provided to students as a resource.

The library provides a range of information and research services to assist you in your studies. This includes access to online databases, which contain full-text journal, magazine and newspaper articles, Australian company information, and ebooks.

Our library catalogue contains descriptive information about our hard copy and eBook collections. The library also contains guides to using the databases, contact details for preferred bookshops and other useful information.

There are two teams dedicated to supporting students:

If you are currently studying a higher education course, you can access support by calling 1300 135 798 (option 1) or emailing

If you are currently studying studying vocational or non-accredited education course, you can access support by calling 1300 662 203 (option 1) or