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Online preparation room

Once you enrol into KAPE, you’ll gain access to online preparation resources. You’ll be provided with login details where you can access preparation material, including:

  • Information about the exam
  • Reference materials relating to each of the three knowledge areas
  • Sample exam questions


Online practice exam

Designed to simulate the structure, duration and exam conditions of the FAS Financial Adviser Examination*, this online proctored practice exam covers content from FAS’ three knowledge areas:

  • Financial Advice Regulatory and Legal Obligations
  • Applied Ethical and Professional Reasoning and Communication
  • Financial Advice Construction

We recommend giving yourself a total of 3.5 hours (including 15 minutes’ reading time) to complete 64 multiple-choice questions and 6 case studies with a number of short-answer questions associated with them.

Six week access to all three versions of KAPE is granted on the day your enrolment is activated.

*The FAS Financial Adviser Examination may change its format. Our online practice exam reflects the version of the FAS exam at the time of creation.

You can enrol in KAPE for $50 (GST inclusive). This includes three different versions of the practice exam.

On enrolment, you’ll gain access to three versions of KAPE with a different set of questions in each based on FAS’ three knowledge areas. To offer more flexibility, you’ll be able to complete each version unsupervised without online proctoring, with one attempt for each version of the exam available.

You’ll have access to all three versions of KAPE for six (6) weeks from the day your enrolment is activated.

KAPE is now delivered remotely. This means you can now sit KAPE in the comfort of your own home or office.

You’ll have six (6) weeks from when your enrolment is activated to sit all three practice exams. You’ll have access to one attempt of each version of the exam available to you from the day of activation.

You’ll be provided with your individual results approximately one week* after you sit a version of the practice exam. Your results will be made available within KapLearn**. This will allow you to pinpoint possible areas of improvement prior to sitting FAS’ Financial Adviser Examination.

Please note, you won’t be eligible for CPD points by completing KAPE.

*During periods of significant volume, this timeframe may be extended.
**KapLearn is Kaplan Professional’s online learning management system.

The benefits of completing KAPE include:

  • Understand what it’s like to sit a lengthy exam
  • Identify possible knowledge gaps
  • Help reduce any apprehension about sitting a formal exam
  • Reinforce existing knowledge
  • Practise effective strategies for taking an exam remotely

There are three versions of KAPE available with a different set of questions based on FAS’ three knowledge areas

You’ll have 6 weeks from when your enrolment is activated to access all three versions of KAPE.

The results for each of the three knowledge areas is a combined grade for the multiple-choice and short-answer questions. Assessor feedback is provided for each attempted short-answer question in each of the knowledge areas. No additional feedback is provided for multiple-choice questions to preserve the integrity of the practice exam.

The pass mark for the practice exam is 65%. It’s possible to pass the overall practice exam without passing each knowledge area.