Short Courses

Modern Slavery Act

Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 is the first national legislation to define modern slavery. The Modern Slavery Act 2018 obliges entities with more than $100 million in consolidated revenue to report on the risk of modern slavery occurring in supply lines or investments.

Given the inter-connectedness of modern business and the scale of modern slavery, it’s essential to understand what modern slavery is and how it impacts financial services. This short, one-hour module will discuss the Modern Slavery Act 2018, what it sets out to achieve, and how to identify human rights risks.  It will review who needs to report, the reporting requirements, how to work with suppliers/investees, and how to respond when modern slavery is identified.

On completion of the course, individuals should be able to:

  • Explain what’s defined as modern slavery
  • Explain the purpose of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and the statements provided by businesses
  • Outline how modern slavery impacts financial services
  • Understand the reporting requirements and when the statements are required
  • Identify circumstances of human risk, in particular within financial services

Who is this short course suitable for?

  1. All employees
  2. Financial advisers
  3. Support and operations staff
  4. Banking professionals (Tier 2)
  5. Managers
  6. Risk and compliance managers
  7. IT systems staff and business analysts

Assessment: A short assessment must be completed for each module. Each assessment has a 75% pass rate.

Price: $60 per person (corporate rates available) 

Duration: 1 hour

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